Friday, November 16, 2018

First illegal immigrant caravan arrives in Tijuana

Razorwire being deployed on the border with Mexico. AFP. 

The first members of the illegal immigrant caravan from Central America has arrived at the border with the United States in Tijuana Mexico. AFP. After a 2700 mile journey the first people have arrived, but have little chance of actually crossing into the United States. President Donald Trump has deployed thousands of troops to the border and has issued an executive order saying that all asylum requests must be made at official border posts. The reception in Tijuana has been as chilly as locals have attacked the illegals and the mayor criticized them. 

My Comment:
Sorry about the source article, it's very clear that their sympathies lie with these illegal criminals and not with the people that have to deal with them in Mexico and America. It's very clear that even generally less biased sources, like AFP and the other wire services, are not to be trusted on this issue. They don't call these people what they are, which is criminals. 

Though it may be surprising that the local Mexicans are unhappy with these people, it doesn't surprise me. Just because many illegal immigrants in America are Mexican it doesn't mean that Mexicans should have to suffer the same things their neighbors across the border do. It is honestly surprising that the caravan hasn't come under harassment before this time. 

The Mexican locals understand that these people will bring crime, disease and disorder with them. And they are sucking up resources that could better be used on the less fortunate in the Tijuana community. If these illegals are there long term they could steal jobs that could go to locals instead. This is why there has been some violence and harassment aimed at the caravan. 

I am guessing the people of Tijuana don't like being used as pawns. They know that this caravan was not an organic thing and was funded by NGO's that were more about hurting Donald Trump than actually helping people. They were able to see through this and aren't happy about how they now have to deal with the consequences. 

As for the illegals themselves, it seems very likely that they will not be let in. Tijuana has some of the better border controls in the region and they have now been reinforced by US soldiers. Those soldiers have deployed even more defenses, such as razorwire which means that they will be unable to simply jump the fence. 

They are also not going to be able to request asylum, thanks to Trump's executive order. Now they have to go to an official border posts to even have a chance and even then it's not likely to be approved. If they do manage to cross the border they will be deported right away, which is honestly what they deserve. 

The illegal caravan always had the option to request asylum in the United States at any US embassy or consulate in any of the countries they came from or even from Mexico itself. Even worse, Mexico has offered asylum to these people and most of them refused. They knew that they were committing a crime and that they had other options but chose to do this anyways. I have no sympathy for them. 

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