Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Obamacare dealt huge blow. Yahoo/Business Insider

A Federal appeals court has thrown out a key provision of Obamacare. Yahoo/Business Insider. Federal subsidies for low income individuals are ruled illegal under the law. Only state run insurance exchanges can use subsidies to decrease costs. 36 states do not have state run exchanges, so this ruling would essentially destroy Obamacare in those states.

My Comment: 
Easy prediction, this will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. I wonder what the short term impact will be? I am expecting some response to this from the Obama administration today. I do know that without those subsidies Obamacare premiums will go from "cripplingly expensive" to "economic suicide" for low income citizens. I doubt congress with either be able to fix the wording of the law or somehow adjust it due to constant gridlock and partisanship. 

Once again I am VERY thankful that i get good health insurance through work so I don't have to deal with this B.S.

EDIT: This article is a bit more clear then the first one. -Yahoo/AP

I've also been hearing on social media and comment sections that Democrats say this violates the clear intention of the law. In other words, listen to what i mean, not what i say. Hate to break it to them, that's not how the law works. Regardless of what you think of the law this was a huge screw up by the authors of this bill. They really should have thought about this when they wrote it, it seems like a clear loophole that should have been fixed in committee. 

EDIT 2: According to CNN there was  a second ruling in Virginia that ruled the subsidies are legal. When there are two opposing rulings the federal government gets to decide. That means status quo ante for now, but this will end up before the supreme court. 


  1. If there is no tax credit for me and my wife our premium will go from an outrageous $625/month to over $1300/month. That means we will be without insurance. We are not classified as low income.

  2. The whole thing is a mess. I don't understand how insurance could ever be that expensive.
